Fashion lover and luxury designer handbag fan Raechel embarked o her entrepreneurial journey when she went on a vacation to Taiwan. It was there as she was browsing handbags in a store, that she chanced upon her mentor, a successful Japanese business owner of a well-established fashion chain with 46 boutiques under his stewardship, selling pre-owned luxury designer handbags, watches and jewellery. Back then, the trend of buying pre-owned luxury designer handbags was already a big hit in both Taiwan and Hong Kong. Call it luck, timing or seeing her innate capability, the business owner generously agreed to teach the young Raechel the trade and help her with her handbag business. Under the wings of her mentor, she was groomed and trained as a handbag specialist, having the precision to authenticate the originals through feel and touch. Her ability became so honed that she could even differentiate an original from a fake by simply catching a whiff of a newly opened handbag